Wednesday, April 27, 2011


An update from the classroom: In Literacy, students should have brought home their CASI results. This is the fourth CASI we have completed this year. Each question was marked out of 4, with a level 3 being the standard. If you have not seen this, ask your child. It is a good indication on how well they understand and are able to articulate what they read.

We are writing pen pal letters to our friends in Grade 2/1 and they have written to us as well.
Students have completed their Early Civilization projects and presented them to the class. By the end of the week all students will know how they achieved in both the written and oral components. Your children should be able to articulate this to you.

In Mathematics there have been frequent quizzes. These have been written in the agendas. Also extra help has been provided at recess time. Students have completed the Transformational Geometry Unit and we are currently working on fractions and decimals.

Please be sure to initial your child’s agenda. It is one of the best ways of communicating with us. Thank you to all those parents who have been providing us with Kleenex. We could use more as we are on our last box. If you could donate some it would be appreciated.

Students are again reminded to leave valuables at home.