Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome to a new and exciting year in Grade 5.

This will be an exciting year for us as Mr. Murphy and I team teach. We will both take active responsibility for the education of your child. Visit our class blog through the link on the school’s website ( for up to date information on what’s happening in 5D.
We feel that communication is an important part of your child’s success, so please be sure to check the agenda as this will be a source of communication along with the class blog and school newsletter. After this September class newsletter, all newsletters, (both class and school) will be available only on line unless you specifically request a paper one. If you would like me to email you a copy directly, please return the bottom portion with your email address.
Please feel free to contact us through the agenda or school. We look forward to meeting all of you at “Meet the Teacher Night”, on September 16th, 2010 between the hours of 4:45 and 7pm.