-won’t need to worry about losing our work
-it is more efficient then desktops
-use less paper
-it’s quicker to generate your ideas
This morning was very exciting and Mr. Manning did a great job teaching us about the C.O.W.
By: Mackenzie and Brylie
Hi my name is madison and I love the cow.s it is the best day off my life and I cant belef that thar finily her and I thingk it changis lring becose you dot have to go over the stres to get your wrck don and it macks evry thing esye and more fun . O and the . C.o.w. stands for computers on wells and I thingk that the cow.s are the best and I hope thay stye for ever and I cant stay a way form tham and I no wot I will have a grem a bowt and it is the cow.s and it will hapin over and over and over a gane it wont chang
for the rest of my life
and I love it so I cant sleep to night and I love it all and it wont change thank for lisaning biy
FrOm ; MaDiSoN . w ; tO ; MisS . D :)
How does having a computer at your desk change your learning ? It changes our learning because we can type on it instead of using paper and that saves trees. It is more fun so it helps children stay ingaged in thier work.and it is a lot easyer on the teacher because she/he does not have to hand stuff out they can just tell us were to go on the computers. BY: MADI
Hi my name is Nandini today I am going to tell you about my day with Mr .Manning it was lots of fun and extra exciting I am so happy that instead of walking to the computer we get our own laptops and you don't have to worry about losing important papers and you could just write them on a computer word processing and save them .It is so easy sometimes I just whish I had a "that was easy" button from staples! And I found out that saving something on this laptop is as easy as pressing a button,thats it bye.
Today we got cows in my classroom. C.O.W. stands for computer on weels the C.o.w. will now make it easier to learn because now I can find what I need to find on the internet quick . I will now be saving paper.So I will be helping the environment by not using lots of paper and pencils.the C.O.W. will help the classroom the school and me I think the C.O.W. will be great for my school. by Naomi
Today we learned all about the cow. It is a computer on wheels they are laptops for computer labs they are so cool and we don’t have to sharpen pencils or you don’t have to waste paper and your desk will not get messy. Oh about the laptops they are touchscreen and they are cool. There are 24 computers all together and there are different colours. By Taylor Woods
Cow is great , it helps you learn in a different way . You can be doing math an you can just pull up a calculator. It will fell like that you aren’t at school . Plus it is much more convenient . So now you only have to walk to the front of the class instead of walking to the lab . Also it is all rate there.