Friday, September 10, 2010

Terry Fox Walk

Once again Sir John A Macdonald school is pleased to be participating in the Terry Fox Walk on Thursday, September 30th, 2010. Our walk will take place in the morning, on school grounds.The entire school will be walking along with teachers and educational assistants.

Rather than collect pledges, students are asked to donate a toonie ($2.00). All monies raised will be forwarded to the Terry Fox foundation to further the cause of cancer research.
“I don’t feel that this is unfair. That’s the thing about cancer. I’m not the only one, it happens all the time to people. I’m not special. This just intensifies what I did. It gives it more meaning. It’ll inspire more people. It has to keep going without me” -Terry Fox
Terry spoke these words after he was diagnosed with cancer a second and final time following his last mile just east of Thunder Bay, Ontario on September 1, 1980. It has kept going because of you and fellow Canadians acting on Terry’s words and saving thousands of lives in the process.

Please bring in your “Toonies for Terry” before the day of the walk.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at school.