Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mayor Ellis Visits

Mayor Ellis had come to our class. Now let me tell you all about it our whole class was excited to go to city hall and take a tour. But it was raining really hard so he dident want us to get wet so he came to our school in our class that is cool to.In the picture above mayor Ellis is telling us all about a meeting. did you know he owns a bike shop. In the end he gave us all city hall pins and we all had a great day.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Human Body Projects

Bullying Posters

Thursday, November 11, 2010

helping homless

my dad and I went to market sqaure last weekend and we sleep outside in a box to raise money for the homless. We earned 1000 $ dollers along with 100 more people. The tricky thing about this trip is we were not aloud to bring anything, no sweater , no coat or jacket. The olny thing we were aloud to bring was a box and we had to use objects we found outside to islate our box. If you brought a blanket or sheet or anything for that matter your things would be kept till you left. There is indeed a building but it is always locked, the olny thing we get from there is a hot chocolate or two. I know you might be wondering how we all earned the money? Well we made a sign that says ''money for homeless'' and we would ask people walking to donate or somtimes they just would. We were not the olny ones doing this, at other places they earn money on differnt days. The money was sent to the homeless on the 8th of noverember. THANKS FOR READING MY POST maybe you can donate to homless next year.!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In the Lighthouse

Predictions by Angelique

i think vince is going to be in trouble! by trent!

The Plague

Predictions by Dawson

I am read a book call the plague my prediction is .....

he is to find that a alien. then the alien is going to

attack him.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


People's feelings get hurt by many things. One of those things that hurt them are bullies. Yesterday on the yard we saw some inapropreate behavior with some students . That inspired us to write this . Just because some people are different doesn't mean they can't be treated the same as others. Dont take it personally they're just jealous. Bullies may be bullies but you are you, stand up for your self don't be afraid! God made us different for a reason so you stand up to that one bully and you tell them I am different and I have the power of ONE!!

Brylie , Nandini ,and Hope